Retch in a sentence as a noun

082349872349872 says "A man's retch should exceed his grasp..."I saw what you did there.

Most of it was readable, but the printf on lines 57--59 made me retch.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who wants to retch when I read posts like that.

The brazen hypocrisy makes me want to retch.

The sweet smell of putrefaction from the truck made me retch for the first week and then became kind of homely.

What path has their lives taken that they step into a room make a horrible decision like this and not retch.

Oh, and the retch session were taught by full profs, not grad students, so a lot of learning happened outside of lecture.

Every time a politician introduces a bill with a loaded name, it makes me want to retch.

Retch in a sentence as a verb

The things the average faculty member would do for a 100k grant are truly disgusting, and would probably make Epstein retch.

The point of ideals is that we're often willing to overlook[1] flaws in their messengers[2].A man's retch should exceed his grasp, or what's a-heaving for?

>Don't patronize me with empty platitudes like "changing passwords is a best practice".Made me retch too. Pardon me, but how did your security snafu get to be about telling me what I ought to do?

Her writing style is retch-inducing and her hatred of native people in continents that were abused by colonialism is bafflingly naive.

Anger, for example, looks like turning on the brain and arms in order to strike; disgust is the gut and mouth trying to retch; happiness is mostly in one's head; depression is a void; pride is a bursting chest and so forth.

Growing up in the 70s in the UK, we used it for all frying, etc. Everyone did, but switched away at the start of the 80s because the new message was "sunflower oil is healthier".Lard also makes me retch if I smell or taste it nowadays.

Sadly various idiots between 1789 and now introduced concepts like direct election of Senators, bound elactors, and — retch — primary elections, all of which will combine in their effect to produce the eventual death blow.

Retch definitions


an involuntary spasm of ineffectual vomiting; "a bad case of the heaves"

See also: heave


eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth; "After drinking too much, the students vomited"; "He purged continuously"; "The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night"

See also: vomit purge cast sick disgorge regorge puke barf spew


make an unsuccessful effort to vomit; strain to vomit

See also: heave