Homosexuality in a sentence as a noun

Penalizing homosexuality did not stop it, nor did allowing it create more.

Nothing indicates that homosexuality is contagious, but even if the kid does end up gay due to his upbringing, then what of it?

I'd wager that this is one reason homosexuality has been held as taboo for so long: it can be weaponized against your enemies for leverage and power.

People who have that viewpoint frequently believe that homosexuality will degrade the morality of society.

Unlike homosexuality, there can be no possible consent, and expressing it is fundamentally against our moral values.

You do know that homophobia is defined as "an extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people.

There is no rational[1] grounds to oppose gay marriage, so we are left with the only remaining possibility - irrational aversion to homosexuality.

And if this doesn't work, eventually when you try to message a Catholic, Mormon, Muslim, or other religiously-observant person from a denomination whose leaders publicly disapprove of homosexuality, you'll see a message from OKCupid like:Religion isn't normally the business of a website.

Homosexuality definitions


a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex

See also: homosexualism homoeroticism queerness gayness