Bantering in a sentence as an adjective

There was also a lot of bantering and chatting going on, like you would have in an office.

Drawings/mocks, blog posts, bantering at bizsocial events, etc.

I don't mind banter if it doesn't bother those working and if the people bantering can actually produce.

I was bantering back and forth with a couple friends recently about what our dream datacenter/colo space would look like.

And bantering about tech stuff, again, further, in every spare moment, really grows old after a while.

In the banter blitz I saw, they aren't really bantering, just making offhand comments during downtime.

This class involved bantering about nothing and and absolutely everything at the same time.

The thing is, even though we don't agree on much of anything really, we take pleasure in endlessly bantering between one another and "fighting" our opinions.

Funny that the scene for his analogy in the beginning ends with the image of talking heads bantering about a fluff piece, and then he follows with a fluff piece for programmers.

I must admit that 'business as a lifestyle' is somewhat alien concept to me, so the relatively unsubstantial business bantering for entertainment seems strange.

The UK policing approach is more of a middle-class order authoritarianism, "we want to stop this rotten bunch of oiks" rather than "my ego and promotion are founded on jailing anyone I can find", which seems to be the case in much of the US.\n Nobody was nabbed for just bantering, though, as it seems this kid was, although "just a restraining order" suggests some queries.

- the conference specifically welcomed diversity, has many women's groups represented and 20% women attendance is considered notable - the keynote speaker is the creator of Python - the current speaker is discussing a successful initiative about young girls coding - you are one of the two women and are sitting in front of two guys who are bantering sexual jokes as the current speaker discusses part of your work and thanks others - one of the guys speaking behind you is a sponsor of the conference.

Bantering definitions


cleverly amusing in tone; "a bantering tone"; "facetious remarks"; "tongue-in-cheek advice"

See also: facetious tongue-in-cheek