Homoeopathy in a sentence as a noun

What about homoeopathy - will that still work?

But "listed on the label" is not the same as "contained in the pill" when it comes to homoeopathy.

In fact, if you so much desire, you can set up a homoeopathy practise without a degree in medicine.

Telling someone who believes in homoeopathy that they're, well, morons, is no longer acceptable.

The homoeopathy-grade "facts" and "truths" which pervade much of the audiophile world are in my opinion far more contemptible.

Not to defend homoeopathy but it's when you examine and challenge existing hearsay that you can make great strides of innovation.

When used without proper evidence it does just as great an injury to science as a combined crystal healer / homoeopathy convention.

The technology is necessary only to make the trick believable, like a health quack speaking science words to make homoeopathy sound legitimate.

As the other poster said, see homoeopathy as an example, consumers aren't smart enough to not **** themselves with idiocy, even the rich ones like Steve Jobs.

Now, you can just 'like' "I ******* love science' on Facebook, make the occasional off-hand joke about homoeopathy, and you're safely in the in-crowd of modern, pseudo intellectual rationalists.

The site assesses homoeopathy on its merits as presented by practitioners and supporters of homoeopathic treatments having incremental medicinal benefits.

Homoeopathy definitions


a method of treating disease with small amounts of remedies that, in large amounts in healthy people, produce symptoms similar to those being treated

See also: homeopathy