Amygdalin in a sentence as a noun

The sugar will probably **** you faster than the amygdalin.

What if it undergoes a change in the wild, thanks to our editing, that starts producing huge amounts of amygdalin?

Almonds contain amygdalin as well, quantities depending on the variety.

"Available scientific evidence does not support claims that Laetrile or amygdalin is effective in treating cancer or any other disease.

In his book World Without Cancer, he argues that cancer is a nutritional deficiency that can be cured by consuming amygdalin, a view regarded as quackery by the medical community.

We taste a lot of different chemicals as bitter, including cucurbitacin, persin, quinine, solanine, strychnine, momordicin, cyanide, and benzaldehyde, and consequently amygdalin.

Amygdalin definitions


a bitter cyanogenic glucoside extracted from the seeds of apricots and plums and bitter almonds