Holograph in a sentence as a noun

Now need a high frame rate holograph generator.

But X-2891q in the year 3971 will meme a holograph that brings that super tech into reality.

You'll push a button on the tombstone and out pops a holograph that projects whatever message the person would like to share.

Most of the products I'm aware of today that claim to be "holographic" are things like head-up displays and red-dot gun sights.

I could be wrong, but IMO you and bane are both confusing "holography" with "3D display", and/or "display that involves depth".

That's a simple example of this kind of holograpy but it's not the one being tested for. Most of hte holographic theories reference a much higher dimensional space on the inside and a 3 dimensional surface.

Pruning works for understanding sparse networks, but not for holographic networks, which can encode a much higher information density.

Maybe the author should have used something solid, like "Kickstarter is promoting scam company with fake holograph".The video they have looks like it could have cost a fair bit of coin itself.

What if the client demands that your application is in "3D holograph" and won't accept anything that doesn't pop out of the monitor without any special assistance from the user?

Understanding a holographic network requires a large amount of effort, similar to determining the content of an optical holograph.

So from my perspective we went from no phones, to big phones, to little dumb phones, to little connected computers... it's no stretch to think that soon they will be glasses mounted or project some sort of holograph into the eyeball.

In the case of an electro-holographic display, diffraction patterns corresponding to 3-D scenes are computed and displayed on suitable light modulators to achieve wavefront reconstruction.

Of course they might mean that Kaupert made the base mold and Morphotonix added the holograph ...Either way I see a lot of value in this technology, even if it's just for novelty and a piece of that chocolate would cost 100€, I think there's still a significant market in the luxury segment.

It's holographic, and extrapolating is perilous in holography some small source of noise that isn't significant when you have a megabyte of data recorded might turn out to be overwhelming when you have ten gigabytes of data recorded, let alone hundreds of terabytes.

You're OK with selling that even though, no matter how much money they produce, it would take years and years of development, and may not even be possible until some other foundational technical breakthroughs occur?Please don't take this too literally and tell me all the reasons why 3D holograph is feasible, you get the point.

Holograph definitions


handwritten book or document

See also: manuscript


the intermediate photograph (or photographic record) that contains information for reproducing a three-dimensional image by holography

See also: hologram