Hoar in a sentence as a noun

Totally depends on the day, and I wasn't there, but this thing slid on depth hoar 3 feet down - that's not caused by a little bit of february sun in Washington.

Strange voices cry in the trees, intoning strange lore; And more than cats move, lit by our eyes' green light, On silent feet where the meadow grasses hang hoar-- Mistress, there are portentas abroad of magic and might, And things that are yet to be done.

Hoar in a sentence as an adjective

Wind transportation seems easy enough to think about but stuff like hoar frost seems harder to predict using available weather data, but maybe that's just clear cold days?I do wonder as well whether the models should actually be regionally specific.

Hoar definitions


ice crystals forming a white deposit (especially on objects outside)

See also: frost hoarfrost rime


showing characteristics of age, especially having grey or white hair; "whose beard with age is hoar"-Coleridge; "nodded his hoary head"