Hillock in a sentence as a noun

>old as the hillsAbout as old as a 166-year-old artificial hillock, yes.

So many had been killed by nightfall that the mountains became hillocks, and the plain was soaked with the blood of the mighty.

And when I visited, the kids were going nuts over this little hillock, running up and careening down it, giggling.

* Conduction delays: Biological neural networks have a delay between when a spike is generated at the axon hillock and when it arrives at the postsynaptic neuron's dendritic arbour.

Right.> Imagine that someone proposes a high level communications protocol to you which acts like thisIt is very clearly not a gleaming tower of high-level abstraction but a hillock of filth with a little goblin upon it that actually scampers about doing the work.

Hillock definitions


a small natural hill

See also: knoll mound hummock hammock