Hammock in a sentence as a noun

When I was in Panama, in one of the places I went to, I had to sleep in a hammock, and it was ****!

Someone's relaxing in a hammock, someone reading a book, two people conversing in a bar.

Reading in my hammock is pretty difficult, so is using my laptop if I want to type anything.

Just when you think Rich Hickey has retired to his hammock to play classic guitar, he throws out something new and awesome.

The best way to get all substance and no glitter is apparently Rich Hickeys hammock driven development.

Worse, I knew from rock climbing that nylon rubbing on nylon wears ropes out really quickly, but it never occurred to me to apply that to the hammock until after.

Obviously it's a pretty dodgy comparison to make since Chrome isn't split by versions, but I agree with hammock that it seems statistically unsound to arbitrarily drop some versions of some browsers, especially when they can't do the same for the Chrome results.

Hammock definitions


a small natural hill

See also: knoll mound hillock hummock


a hanging bed of canvas or rope netting (usually suspended between two trees); swings easily

See also: sack