Herniation in a sentence as a noun

In doing so, I triggered a mild lower lumbar disc herniation.

The herniation didn't hurt my back, but pinched my sciatic nerve.

I am 27 years old and after few months of intensive running I got a spinal disc herniation.

I told him to ask his doctor for an MRI after a number of months, which indeed demonstrated the herniation.

Regardless, this creates fear and you start believing that the problem in your disc bulge, herniation, etc which is causing it.

The hydrostatic pressure in the discs after rising from bed is much greater, which increases the risk of herniation.

An x-ray showing mild degeneration could be produced from the same individual who on an MRI could show a severe disc herniation.

I found 4-6 mile walks to produce a fair amount of back pain in the year immediately following my initial disc herniation/tear.

What helped me deal with two major herniations at L4-L5 and L5-S1 was becoming educated on not how all back pain works, but on how my specific back pain works.

I begged for a better chair, but it wasn't a priority for the founders at that point; 8 months in, i developed a spinal disc herniation from the chair and desk equipment.

Herniation definitions


rupture in smooth muscle tissue through which a bodily structure protrudes

See also: hernia