Sciatic in a sentence as an adjective

The sciatic nerve, to be exact, or either/both of its main branches.

At that point your sciatic nerve has done its job and gotten you across the finish line.

This helps with the sciatic nerve painI have had since college.- Use a very tall wrist rest.

Early 2017 got hit with sciatic pain again - decided to just go through it.

The herniation didn't hurt my back, but pinched my sciatic nerve.

I had sciatic pain before the running too, but it seems running never helped it.

My ACL surgery was relatively painless compared to my sciatic leg pain.

I did experience chronic back pain for years due to a pinched sciatic nerve, it can be debilitating and depressing.

Her adjustments and analysis did end up helping me a lot, and alleviated a lot of the pain coming from the sciatic nerve.

Some more anecdotal evidenceI was hospitalized with a huge abscess that was damaging my leg and hitting my sciatic nerve.

Sciatic definitions


relating to or caused by or afflicted with sciatica


of or relating to the ischium (or the part of the hipbone containing it); "sciatic nerve"