Henchman in a sentence as a noun

“You can sound like you’re from Russia,” he said, in the voice of an evil Soviet henchman.

If a mob boss orders a henchman to **** a rival, who should be prosecuted for ******?

The NYT article quotes PG: You can sound like youre from Russia, he said, in the voice of an evil Soviet henchman.

You'd make a great henchman in a totalitarian regime.

Foxconn thought they were licking the boots of the American despot and his henchman, the Governor of Wisconsin.

He was accused of ordering his victims to be dissolved in barrels of acid by his henchman, known as the soup-maker.

I think the NYT reporter Nathaniel Rich hit on something when he commented that PG made an 'evil Soviet henchman' voice.

Aaron Swartz, to Ortiz and her henchman, was not a criminal who needed punishment, he was an opportunity.

Despite them coming out about his abusive behaviors, his attorneys and henchman are going after them.

* Funnily enough, I just started reading 'From Russia with Love' whose first few chapters deal with the unusually vicious nature of our henchman.

The henchman should be honored, because without the honor, there would be no reason for the henchman to **** - the personal risk is too great, and the personal reward too little.

"I believe those who hold that logic, myself included, have different expectations of the responsibilities of the soldier and the henchman.

As henchman on the outside I can create a page, linked from my wikipedia personal page or on some otherwise innocuous page, that says something like "Boss, should I off Big Tony?

If our political process does not find it convenient to de-criminalize actions that help humanity, how can we respect that law?And so, I stand by my statement that Karunamon would make a great henchman.

The henchman may also be a part of an organization like that, but he is just another citizen, working for his organization and own betterment, and is expected to be responsible for his actions.

Let me disclose that being the son of a politician that had to escape Per because of Montesino's henchman and being lucky to still be alive after a "little" failed bomb incident and various other things, I am glad that son-of-a-***** is rotting in a prison.

It seems he didn't because he feels his former boss is untrustworthy and lacking in character; someone who's ready and willing to be someone's unthinking paid henchman.> His ethics meant nothing as long as he was having a paycheck lorded over him.> We need to be employed.

Henchman definitions


someone who assists in a plot

See also: confederate collaborator