Haulage in a sentence as a noun

I worked for a startup in 2004 that was doing this with haulage companies.

And here's another trailer that you can add to turn it into a haulage vehicle.

Tesla is the last company I would look to for advice about the future of the market for haulage.

There's the same limit on possible data usage as there as on possible food haulage: throughput.

As many as I have chicken farmers, long haulage truckers and other "capital at the lowest rung" industries.

This is really cool and incredibly dangerous:>The cabins run without a braking system; if the haulage cable snaps, the cabins will roll straight back down the track cable.

For some reason this government wants to sell contracts to people like haulage firms to provide legal aid to people who cant afford solicitors for a little money as possible.

And increasingly the Swedish haulage companies are hiring Eastern European drivers as contractors, as this is cheaper than hiring Swedish drivers.

Also, most of the US freight rail network is heavily heavily optimised and drops containers off for truck haulage after transporting the cargo to the most efficient spot on the network.

The **** side to that is that the former Eastern block countries are effectively out competing European haulage companies, with the effects most visible in the countries with the highest salaries.

Though they had been replaced by rail for long-distance haulage and by steam engines for driving machinery, they still plowed fields, hauled wagons and carriages short distances, pulled boats on the canals, toiled in the pits, and carried armies into battle.

Haulage definitions


the act of drawing or hauling something; "the haul up the hill went very slowly"

See also: draw haul