Handler in a sentence as a noun

The Promise pattern is 2 lines of boilerplate code per call, much like an event handler.

It did this by re-hooking the system call table in the rootkit's unload handler.

And what I find is, my programs tend to decompose into handler functions naturally anyways.

With net/http, you end up with a lot of coupling: your end handler needs to know about every layer of middleware above it, and you start losing a lot of the benefit of having middleware in the first place.

For instance, given a giant blob of J2EE web handler code, I can eyeball one handler, recognize the annotation mapping the method to URL syntax, and then punch in a hi-lock regex to light up similar annotations everywhere in the file, then glance through the whole file looking for color patterns.

Handler definitions


one who trains or exhibits animals


an agent who handles something or someone; "the senator's campaign handlers"


(sports) someone in charge of training an athlete or a team

See also: coach manager