Hallucinogen in a sentence as a noun

I've tried any natural hallucinogen I can find, multiple times.

The fear of hallucinogens is widespread in the blue universe.

I was hoping TB was actually a disused hallucinogen, popular during the 40s.

For example, ergot of rye is a hallucinogen which is poisonous in moderate doses and has many toxic side effects at lower doses.

Reality is just perceived in the mind!It took me a least a year of hallucinogen-sobriety to realize that my insights were really quite banal and meaningless.

A good friend had some traumatic experiences due to hallucinogen-induced psychosis.

Normally which one you use depends on:- who you're writing for - what aspect of the drug experience you're trying to emphasizeIn Griffith's study he uses the term hallucinogen, most likely just to expedite IRB/FDA/DEA approval.

' From Wikipedia:...Soma is a hallucinogen that takes users on enjoyable, hangover-free "holidays".

The allocation of funding, having to guard ones reputation, approval of research projects, recruitment of test subjects it all led to a near-total breakdown of academic hallucinogen research.

In general though the preferred term seems to be entheogen now at least for conversational purposes, because people find it less objectionable than hallucinogen or psychedelic for obvious reasons, and it also tends to be a good conversation starter for people who haven't heard the term before.

Hallucinogen definitions


a psychoactive drug that induces hallucinations or altered sensory experiences