Hairstyle in a sentence as a noun

Perhaps we should both do something crazy and change our hairstyle for a couple months.

From a short hairstyle to shoulder length usually takes within 2 years, but only the middle part of that is likely to be too awkward.

Finally, finish up by writing fluff articles for TechCrunch about Elon Musk's new hairstyle.

" I cringe any time I see a writeup of a female engineer or executive where attention is drawn to her hairstyle, clothes, or shoes.

We modify a lot of things about our own looks, which may not be as blatant as hair dye: clothing, hairstyle, makeup, facial hair, eyewear, and of course our own facial expressions.

If you want to take a trip for a couple weeks once a year, or change your hairstyle or get a tattoo, and this is impossible because of company regulations unrelated to workload, this is coggy.

Blessed with an air of power that masks an unmistakable cute, cuddly side, Kim made this newspaper's editorial board swoon with his impeccable fashion sense, chic short hairstyle, and, of course, that famous smile.

I am speculating but it could be used to his advantage: with a hairstyle change and contact lenses it would be difficult for a US citizen to identify Snowden, going only on the news photos.

In particular longer hair and more elaborate hairstyles become a significant identity and fashion statement in the period.

Do you also cringe every time you see a write-up of a male engineer or executive where attention is drawn to his hairstyle, clothes, or shoes?Example from the same article: "Finally Rosing, a bald man in glasses, began to speak"

A lot of people don't have a very memorable face, but most people have something about them that's unique: do they stand with hips forward, wear velcro sneakers, have a beard, walk with a limp, have working-man hands, crow's feet next to their eyes, a specific hairstyle...?

In that context, even if you hadn't changed your hairstyle, while you may have gotten some surprised looks and questions when you suddenly show up in a suit, your colleagues would still assume "the best" before believing you'd turned into a "suit" they don't trust anymore.

Hairstyle definitions


the arrangement of the hair (especially a woman's hair)

See also: hairdo coiffure coif