Haemorrhage in a sentence as a noun

Had to look this up, "haemorrhage" meaning blood loss.

Yeah, I've got a friend who had a brain haemorrhage with similar memory effects.

The company was making just enough income that the downfall was a slow bleed, rather than a haemorrhage.

This outbreak showed that vaccination did not provide protection and the strain caused a very high rate of haemorrhage.

The doctors initially suspected that he’d reacted badly to the anaesthetic, causing a brain haemorrhage – yet they failed to find evidence of injury.

But it is entirely possible to read someone's pulse by recording a video of their skin, thus taking away some privacy of the mind [1].We haemorrhage a lot of information all the time.

The CDC did not “correct down” anything; this bad faith argument is like saying that someone who was hit by a car didn’t die from getting hit by a car because the death certificate says they died from “brain haemorrhage”.

I had a scare a couple of years ago, and it was only by chance that I changed to another GP who was much more attentive, turned out that I was only months away of having a haemorrhage that would have likely been fatal.

The Government is content with passing draconian bills penalising users for downloading Game of Thrones and cutting off their Internet connections, sending Swat teams to their homes and allowing corporations to financially haemorrhage them in the "court of law".

Haemorrhage definitions


the flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessel

See also: bleeding hemorrhage