Gulf in a sentence as a noun

There's a pretty wide gulf between opening up and forcing it on people. You can't build a social networking sites if it isn't open to people in your users' social networks.

A huge part of the country spent time with gas masks and plastic in safe rooms during the gulf war. At the end of the war, we felt like our leaders failed protecting us sufficiently, especially when they knew there were issues.

There's a huge gulf between app store apps and enterprise products like Oracle. There are still a lot of companies in the B2B market that don't put pricing on their sites - even when their products aren't that expensive.

The mentioned Connect 4, for instance, is relatively simple and can be effectively "solved" by an 8 or 9 year old, for instance, so a 8yo and an adult are still not separated by such a large gulf that the game is a joke. Children are actually pretty good at figuring out that they are being "let" win.

I suspect that some of the gulf between ML in practice and theory arises from the differing goals in the two parties. If you just want an parameter estimation, then a lot of the rigour will seem useless, and if you want to understand a procedure deeply, you can't do away with rigour.

There is pretty substancial technological gulf opening up between the "ruling class" and the "reasonably well educated folks" out there. This could be as disruptive and problematic as the widening gap between the wealthy and the poor.

There's no magnitude-order difference in innate ability as described, or if there is, it's not a permanent, unlearnable gulf. This comment bothered me because OP is fetishizing and tokenizing women in a way that purports to be admiring and supportive of them.

The gulf between "oh yeah, it's going to have a sapphire screen and the best processor ever and photon torpedoes" and actually doing the necessary engineering before ramping up to hundreds of millions of dollars in production is enormous. Companies that ship real products aren't just now "picking up the ideas as well" -- any technology that you see getting significant investment has clearly already been in development for years.

There's a wide gulf between a worldview based on a few anecdotal successes and the more realistic picture emerging from a flood of statistics, which not only show the rarity of mobility, but indicate that it's declining - esp. for those unfortunate enough to be born at the bottom.

The capital J Journalist folks that MG Siegler referenced in his piece earlier have found TechCrunch's position on editorial ethics so laughable that it's almost hard to quantify the gulf between their expectations and the piddling concessions TechCrunch has offered over the years. I lived with a capital J journalist for a long time and got to know a lot of his coworkers and contacts, and I was really quite surprised at the lengths those people go to maintain their journalistic integrity.

Quote Examples using Gulf

What gulfs? Men and women are complimentary. The masculine and the feminine interplay between each other and cooperate toward mutual benefit. There is no gulf. I reject the notion that we somehow have to eliminate the feminine and the masculine, to be left with some sort of androgynous average. That's just nonsense. And yes, some men can be feminine and some women can be masculine, and we all certainly have characteristics that can be described as one or the other, but they can and should be described as one or the other. Not as some gender-less PC nonsense. There is nothing wrong with being a masculine man. There is nothing wrong with being a feminine woman. And there is nothing wrong with the array of all the other possibilities. There are no gulfs that need bridging.


Gulf definitions


an arm of a sea or ocean partly enclosed by land; larger than a bay


an unbridgeable disparity (as from a failure of understanding); "he felt a gulf between himself and his former friends"; "there is a vast disconnect between public opinion and federal policy"

See also: disconnect disconnection


a deep wide chasm