Disconnection in a sentence as a noun

They are a tool of social disconnection, and that's not going to get any better in the future.

> "They are a tool of social disconnection" Balderdash. On the whole smartphones have been a net gain for socialization.

And if you don't, no technological measures short of total disconnection will save you from yourself.

Someone was likely threatened with disconnection for the former. This is probably the source of the confusion.

Total disconnection and reconnection to nature all at once!

In some demographics it's seen as at least sort of quaint/eccentric disconnection, like not having a mobile phone.

It will see what you want, connection, or disconnection, relation, or unrelatedness and deliver time and time again. I'm a big fan of logic.

Remember "Cuil theory", in which degrees of disconnection from reality were measured in Cuils? Cuil was ambitious, and that was laudable and did get it some attention.

They are basically throwing the electorate at them with all the new laws and proposals for Internet disconnection and all that. They probably don't even see it coming.

And if you don't, no technological measures short of total disconnection will save you from yourself. That's the "all or nothing, it's hopeless, give up" argument and yeah most people are willing to give up their security and privacy when you throw that in their face.

How can they continue to say that "not allowing disconnection" is a "massive blow" to the music industry? That's almost like saying abolishing slavery is a massive blow to some industry's labor force.

It's hard to have a meaningful conversation with that level of disconnection between the participants. So I usually ask people who disagree with something I wrote to tell me what specific sentence or passage they feel is false.

Island mode - the disconnection of all external connections - is the failsafe of last resort but by that time there will be large areas of Europe in the dark ages. The grid has become so interconnected with such highly fluctuating loads that it's a miracle we haven't seen a serious outage yet.

If you spent six months grinding the ISK to buy and outfit a carrier, how willing would you be to take it into a battle where any of a hundred things could destroy it, including server lag or a random disconnection?

This is a part of our society's disconnection from meritocracy and transition to a state where a privileged caste rules and extracts from society on the basis of arbitrary marks of differentiation.

There are the dissociative anesthetics like nitrous oxide and ketamine, which create a solipsistic disconnection from the outside world without abolishing self awareness. The memory function can become disconnected while consciousnes remains, as with some sleep disorders and *****.

Most of grid 'defenses' involve some temporary disconnection of components; the robustness question is how quickly you can reconnect again - is it an automatic switch after half a second, or does it require sending repair squads to thousand remote locations.

I can't engage in certain activities lest I risk terminal disconnection of electromechanical components ... but installation of those same components prevented early cessation of the wholly 100% human configuration, and at least once since have, by happenstance, made the difference between racing to the ER by ambulance vs.

Disconnection definitions


state of being disconnected

See also: disjunction disjuncture disconnectedness


an unbridgeable disparity (as from a failure of understanding); "he felt a gulf between himself and his former friends"; "there is a vast disconnect between public opinion and federal policy"

See also: gulf disconnect


the act of breaking a connection

See also: disjunction