Growling in a sentence as a noun

Your dataset is growling larger all the time.

Hey just install a growling speaker for sound and you're good to go. That's what they do on the pickup trucks.

Ever think a dog is dumb for growling at his reflection in the mirror?

> Ever think a dog is dumb for growling at his reflection in the mirror?

Coding while monsters from cartoons and video games are growling in the background.

Whenever the computer was growling, it was better to not mess with it and wait it out.

And when we launched, the haters emerged from the woodwork with pitchforks and torches, growling Google!

Not sexist.> Ever think a dog is dumb for growling at his reflection in the mirror?Comparing men to dogs and implying they're dumb.

When a 3 lb terrier starts barking and growling at you, you have one reaction, when a 175 lb rottweiler does the same you have a different reaction.

A few authors do the growling anti-Apple/pro-Google spiel and see little uptake because that just isn't interesting.

The other things I can't stand are various weird chest tensions and growling stomach issues, which are related to the hyper-vigilance thing.

And that effect is not be too surprising if you consider some more examples: the smell of cooking bacon can get your stomach growling and your saliva flowing.

I think my dog would like a game that required her to quickly decide whether a particular newly introduced item requires growling, barking, or wagging.

Thanks for the warning, but isn't consistently going to bed with a full stomach different from going to bed with a light snack every once in a while to make sure your stomach is not growling?

This seems to answer a question I asked myself just yesterday:A neighbour's cat and my cat had a argument, no actual fighting - just lots of staring, yowling and that strange growling sound cats make.

"There might be billions of worlds full of dinosaur analogs running around happily eating and growling till their star burns out...and that might be all that you can expect out of life in the general case when it happens.

Also not all dogs will be effective alarms; one of mine starts growling if she hears a butterfly down the street, while the other one would unlock the door for a burglar if she could, just hoping he'd pet her.- Lighting on all points of entry.

Growling definitions


a gruff or angry utterance (suggestive of the growling of an animal)


the sound of growling (as made by animals)

See also: growl