Gripping in a sentence as an adjective

Coming to this conclusion on acid is much more gripping and powerful than while watching star trek.

Always worth a reread for the combination of gripping content with good writing.

This is gripping reading for me, because "Mr. Mukerjee" is someone I know by first name, indeed nickname, even though I have never met him.

The problem is driven by falling ratings and a need for more gripping and sensational stories.

But it's a lot like gripping a tennis racket correctly or properly positioning your fingers at a piano.

There were many, many days when I would lay on my bed trembling and gripping the sheets tightly to prevent myself from dialling out for pizza or chicken.

It covers the development of this aircraft and several others through some pretty gripping accounts of engineering during the Cold War.

While I'm wary of anything I read on the internet, if FT is being completely truthful you can't help but think that things are a bit odd. From the beginning I felt like it was probably just grieving parents gripping at straws, but the strangeness just kept piling up...

For example, when a mass ****** incident happens, people talk a lot about gun violence and how it's gripping the country and we should do something about it.

This is a gripping account of what these surveillance programs lead to written by someone who saw when they go wrong:I live in a country generally assumed to be a dictatorship.

I agree with what you're saying, but the mere existence of this letter is indicative of the fear gripping those in power whom would rather their illegitimate authorities remain a secret.

Gripping definitions


capable of arousing and holding the attention; "a fascinating story"

See also: absorbing engrossing fascinating riveting