Cartography in a sentence as a noun

If you think mapping and cartography are much easier, you've never given that a shot, it's a can of worms.

You have some tentative cartography to work with from your explorations.

Isn't this a standard method for a 'poor-mans copywrite' in cartography?

Even better - with some creative "cloud cartography"[1], you have a 40% chance of launching a VM on the same physical host as your target.

That's how you realize why people could navigate at Sea using stars long before we had any GPS or reliable cartography.

I mean, cartography is an invaluable tool and because there information is public knowledge there has to be some way to stop those would cut corners and copy a map. Does it lead people astray sometimes?

In modern parlance, cartography is more about information design.

I get the impression that calling it Peters instead of Gall-Peters is a good sign that the speaker is a Peters-evangelist, rather than someone who actually cares about cartography.

Cartography definitions


the making of maps and charts

See also: mapmaking