Grifter in a sentence as a noun

He has a problem with this person having in the past called him a 'cold war grifter'.

Why would he do that, unless Andy Ngo is a grifter and opportunist of the worst kind.

"Big ups to cheesy grifter in tha gleebow huppa dig walla shim bam to ya fo keepin it real ya".

If you're going to choose a poster child for the plight of bisexual black men, please pick one that doesn't also happen to be a grifter.

Where are the attack ads branding Trump as an anti-American grifter?

Suddenly every crackpot and grifter has been given room to spread their garbage opinions and views.

It'd resurrect The Old Web, that still exists, but just got buried beneath the spammy SEO optimized grifter web over the years as normies flooded the scene.

The grifter will hand them out to an entire group and then ask for payment, at which point several people will already have eaten the food item or peeled off the sticker.

If there are any non-grifter or a scientist published book on aging and what we know about it intended for a popular audience, I'd love to read more.

The product being offered has zero or negative value to almost everyone[1], and this is an age of financial scams of various sorts, the "grifter economy" as it has been dubbed.

> incoherent whataboutism blaming Joe Biden for **** attacksyeah dude, tell me more about this alleged "slander" of Ngo, no dude he's a grifter, that's not "FUD", that's old news and not really controversial.

Software patents are almost always intended to monopolize some trivial and obvious function in such a way as to make the established users of that function pay a grifter who juked the Patent Office.

How do you even try to tell kids to behave ethically and not cheat when the head of state is a grifter, liar, serial cheater?Kids learn by observing not through indoctrination and the cognitive dissonance between the pledge of allegiance and the real world cant be integrated unless one turns to the gospel of Q

Grifter definitions


a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud

See also: swindler defrauder chiseller chiseler gouger scammer