Greet in a sentence as a verb

When you greet your interviewer, hand them this card: |=================================| | | | Hi, I'm John Doe and I'm happy | | to meet you.

M greet: 'Pupeno' To create an object of class MyClass, we send the new message to that class.

", greet you, then say "My client refuses to answer any further questions.

For example, the meet-and-greet from Learn You A Haskell: main = do \n putStrLn "Hello, what's your name?

But if you come at just any time, I shall never know at what hour my heart is to be ready to greet you .

There are actually two groups you don't like: the ones who greet you when you enter the USA are Customs & Border Protection agents.

I want to be able to walk into an airport with my shoes on and walk calmly to an arrival gate to greet arriving passengers there.

So after a few subjective years, you will be overtaken by newer and faster ships, and when you arrive, there will be a flourishing civilization already there to greet you.

If you want to be able to greet a user, ask them how they want to be greeted, rather than try to guess at which part of their name a user prefers to be addressed by and how to extract that part from their full name.

At GDC 2009, when OnLive revealed itself to the world in style, a rival named Gaikai did the same behind closed doors, and when Gaikai CEO David Perry came by the OnLive booth to greet his competitor, Perlman starting screaming at him.

Being a regular at the local diner is great -- the owner comes out to greet you when you come in, you always get exactly what you like exactly the way you like it, and in general they try to make you feel like a king.

And, where are those robotic unbuttoned-shirt baseball-cap-cocked-to-the-side douchebag bots that greet my nephew at Abercrombie?

Now if I can only force myself to forget that Kermit the lettuce head is going to greet me when I get home by warning me that Kevin Bacon is chasing pigs through my living room, that someone accidentally formatted my SD card bed and that the sun is supposed to be extra Orange and juicy today.

If the person you’re meeting goes in for a hug, ...Now, pair that previous paragraph with this mentality that the person leading a greeting gets to choose its level of intimacy: that a hug is appropriate, and if that's what happens first everyone should be forced to go along with it... this is not OK.

Greet definitions


express greetings upon meeting someone

See also: recognize recognise


send greetings to


react to in a certain way; "The President was greeted with catcalls"


be perceived by; "Loud music greeted him when he entered the apartment"