Goosebump in a sentence as a noun

That launch gave me goosebumps that no app ever has >.<

I got goosebumps hearing all the people saying "X, go".

The screams from the mission control feed gave me goosebumps.

I am not a car guy, but the Tesla cars regularly give me goosebumps.

Or take the 'goosebump' phenomenon - it happens on skin that has almost no hair now.

Somehow, this title gave me goosebump in a way the end of Inception gave meGreat idea for a movie

And if that’s reading 50 goosebump books in a year, or, going through the art of programming, we’ll then that’s about equal in my book.

Thanks for your post, it literally gave me goosebumps.> Ordered society will succumb to chaos and nothing will be done.

And with the new realization that we don't need to cool things to the goosebump level anymore, the idea is quite attractive.

Because reading goosebump books is easy and relaxing while reading Art of Computer Programming and doing exercises takes a lot of effort.

You'll be paying for a portion of the weekly doc visits of the bored little old lady who goes and gets every little bruise and goosebump checked out, because why not?

I totally get the theme but I can't help getting nervous goosebumps from the artifacts - I feel like I have to reset the display cable or blow into the cartridge!

That really is a goosebump-inducing reframing of many recent valuations.

This is goosebump material!It is fascinating how concepts from classical mechanics port over into quantum mechanics.

Do features like Chrome Remote Desktop give anyone else goosebumps?I love that Chrome automatically updates with security and performance updates.

Why would reading the art of computer programming be more impressive than reading fifty goosebump books?Who’s to say you can’t read a book a week and also contemplate on it?What about the people who read a lot of books on the same subject?

Goosebump definitions


reflex erection of hairs of the skin in response to cold or emotional stress or skin irritation

See also: gooseflesh horripilation