Globular in a sentence as an adjective

“Good and globular” is the way to go I guess.

And that's why... OP no longer believes in globular world theory?

Yet globular clusters are 1000s of times smaller than dwarf spheroidals.

Where do galaxies end and globular clusters begin?

These are the smallest of galaxies; in terms of luminous mass, they are only slightly more massive than globular clusters.

With all the globular clusters out there, some formation like these must've broken away somewhere...amazing!

How can they possibly remain gravitationally bound on the scale of 1000s of light-years when globular clusters are only bound on scales of a few light-years?

There's a lot more globular clusters - relatively small clusters of stars, etc. - that are gravitationally bound to galaxies than we previously knew.

What differentiates a galaxy from a globular cluster?

Dark matter can explain this by simply saying that dwarf spheroidals have relatively massive dark matter halos, whereas globular clusters have almost no dark matter.

There are other types that are much harder to understand that have less structure, but globular proteins that bind to ***** like this are usually pretty well-predicted by the snapshots we can get.

The screw rotation provides the necessary shearing force to generate the globular structure needed for semi-solid casting.

Our sun is exceptionally stable - it has no close encounters with other stars that might disrupt planetary orbits, which does happen in galactic nuclei or globular clusters.

The word "button" can also be used for things which are just generally small and globular and attached to other things -- you can find many search results for "button of rubber" and somewhat fewer for "button of glass" which fit this description.

And that it's not only much larger, but much more massive - probably larger than Andromeda[2].When we talk about these collisions being billions of years away, we're also really only talking about the main portions of the galaxy - all of the globular clusters are going to start interacting way sooner.

Globular definitions


having the shape of a sphere or ball; "a spherical object"; "nearly orbicular in shape"; "little globular houses like mud-wasp nests"- Zane Grey

See also: ball-shaped global globose orbicular spheric spherical