Global in a sentence as an adjective

" The first two are functions, the last is a global variable.

Let's assume the global economy grows at 4% per year.

So 35% of global internet traffic is people streaming videos.

It's scary because this mob has global reach, unlimited power, but isn't always right.

Stick an import tax on any place employing children or harming the global environment.

Some of our investors even believe we're responsible for global warming.

Do we really think we can get away from ubiquidous global surveillance that easily?I'm sorry.

Law enforcement can follow the required documentation to find the owner of any account on a global level.

It may seem all outdated to us global internet citizens, but a lot of those old-fashioned real-world rules evolved because there was a problem.

I went in expecting to parse global markets for inefficiency while pioneering the frontiers of 21st century finance.

If you want verification that replication is working at write time, you can do it with w=2 getLastError parameter.> 3. MongoDB requires a global write lock to issue any write> Under a write-heavy load, this will **** you.

The lifestyles we consider just about tolerable are, by any historical or global standard, utter luxury.

Bruce Scheier, who was quoted in the Guardian piece about the same story, is America's foremost popularizer of the notion of NSA as crypto's global passive adversary.

Social infrastructure isn't like being a developer for the Playstation -- this is very basic and very global stuff, similar to water or power, and you shouldn't have to question its integrity.

In the same way, I wouldn't expect a technical article reporting measurements of carbon flow in the environment to be published in a political science journal, even though climate change might have profound implications for global politics.

Global definitions


involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope; "global war"; "global monetary policy"; "neither national nor continental but planetary"; "a world crisis"; "of worldwide significance"

See also: planetary worldwide world-wide


having the shape of a sphere or ball; "a spherical object"; "nearly orbicular in shape"; "little globular houses like mud-wasp nests"- Zane Grey

See also: ball-shaped globose globular orbicular spheric spherical