Glitz in a sentence as a noun

It isn't all glitz and glamour, and people should know that.

That "billionaire at 20" stuff is great, but it's also glitz.

It's glitz for the sake of glitz, to the detriment of utility.

Bright lights ever where; scenery, under-lighting on the cars and all that glitz.

And this release is mostly about trying to catch up with Apple on usability and glitz.

I suspect it would make a pretty awesome skunkworks, hidden away from the glitz of the new main campus.

They are written by the principal investigator for an audience who doesn't give a **** about glitz and glam.

A minimalist design wouldn't need a physics engine because the things that need the physics engine are glitz effects.

By contrast with the media glitz and general buzz described in the article, this industry is a bit straight-laced or "square".

Physicists and mathematicians who program are so underpaid they dream about the glamour and glitz of working in a cube on Wall Street.

I actually thought the screenshots are quite interesting with their scanline glitz, but apparently that's from postprocessing.

Yes, it's extremely dated and doesn't have all the fancy glitz of modern desktop environments, but the underlying system itself is quite modern.

However, my issue with the article is not the 'it's not all glitz and glamour' but the 'it's shitty, you never see your family, you're constantly stressed, and your chances suck'.

Glitz definitions