Brashness in a sentence as a noun

You need someone in control with a good mix of instincts, timing, and brashness to win a race.

"He ruffled a lot of feathers on Wall Street with his brashness and self-confidence.

"Selling" yourself is distasteful for many, because it smacks not only of loudness & brashness, but of straight up lying.

And I bought into it for a long time, until I gained some perspective on the world and came to understand that brashness is not a virtue.

The brashness and sheer monetary disconnect between what they charge when they compete and what they charge when they don't casts a certain light on the rest of their shenanigans.

I do apologize for the brashness above, but I fail to see what "culture" people like me are destroying when they are promoting equal application of rights.

You don't think it takes brashness, as an entrepreneur, to speak out against VC sexual misconduct when it could put your business's lifeblood funding in jeopardy?

Judging their judgment in advance, assuming they’ll all be swayed by brashness and unsupportable claims, is really to discount their intelligence.

You have to be careful about those safe environments, as they often simply shift the weapons from loudness and brashness to sweet-sounding talk and subtle negative suggestions.

It's the general level of brashness and inconsideration that astounds people from other nationalities.

Brashness definitions


the trait of being rash and hasty