Gently in a sentence as an adverb

Just gently use the OpenGL API and map the textures so that they fit.

Or help my 8th grader gently towards understanding the mis-magic of PHP.

People usually ease into Macros gently.- produces a format that is sharable.

"Mr. Shige says his approach to stopping suicides is quite simple: when he finds a likely person, he walks up and gently begins a conversation.

It guides you gently from simple directory navigation all the way up to shell scripting.-Use tmux.

This is as difficult has having someone in charge willing to gently say 'this doesn't really match up with the style of the code around it'.

That means even the statements those high status people make which are NOT credible themselves will be accepted, or only gently rebuffed.

If you are a team lead and identify someone like this on your team then it can be very difficult to place them and you often have to gently coerce them into their own "special" area where they feel their talents are best used.

As I lie in bed looking up into the darkness, a boundless expanse of tens of millions of miles of absolutely nothing lies between me, and a small man made robot with the martian wind gusting and whistling gently over it.

What I think is especially touching about this is how he gently deconstructs his success, demystifying his own legend by pulling back the curtain on what would have otherwise appeared to be a string of miraculous accomplishments.

I quite like the 'apology' he received from the conference organizers:> In July 2013 I told the NSA-affiliated conference organizers that I was having some problems in getting my visa, and gently asked whether they could do something about it. Always eager to help, the NSA people leaped into action, and immediately sent me a short email written with a lot of tact:> The trouble you are having is regrettable Sorry you wont be able to come to our conference.

They're gently poking fun that Tesla vehicles are extremely safe, especially compared to fires - and then sticking it to critics further by actually announcing improvements to further reduce the already very low numbers of fire and further increase the already highest rating ever for a safety check for a vehicle.

Gently definitions


in a gradual manner; "a gently sloping terrain"


in a gentle manner; "he talked gently to the injured animal"

See also: mildly


with little weight or force; "she kissed him lightly on the forehead"

See also: lightly softly