Furlough in a sentence as a noun

The chart makes it look like 95% of the DoD civilians are on furlough.

Many of the groups affected by the layoffs in IBM had a furlough last August.

"I'd also like to see a ticker that shows how the deficit is behaving during the massive furlough ... is it going down?

If you had saved up vacation you could use that, otherwise you didn't get paid and there was no back pay for the furlough period.

Last month IBM jettisoned entire STG teams and with this mandatory furlough one would assume others will decide to fly the coup.

Underpay, furlough, slow-pay your best employees to really build that desire to see if the grass is greener elsewhere.

But I agree, intended or not, this has the effect of heavily exaggerating the proportion of people on furlough.

A week later I'm hearing news that 30 or 40 of them have been recalled from furlough to deal with the salmonella outbreak that has hospitalized people in 18 states.

I'll add a label for this - different shades of blue represent different reasons workers are furlough-exempt.

"Doubtful; historically furloughed employees are given back pay once a shutdown of this nature is over.

I still keep up with IBM news through the IBM Alliance, and feel for a number of IBM friends and former STG colleagues who are most likely affected by this furlough.

Furlough in a sentence as a verb

The most important aspect of seniority is furlough: least senior gets furloughed first.

In cases where unions are involved, the terms of the furloughs are usually negotiated with the unions beforehand.

Some aspects of the seniority system make complete sense: you don't want the airline to use a furlough as an excuse to get rid of its most highly-paid pilots.

The most interesting thing about the furlough is that very often you see people given a choice between everyone taking a few days furlough or a bunch of people getting fired.

Any retroactive pay will have to be specifically specified for furloughed employees in further budgets.

He didn't know it at the time, but it turned out to be the best career decision he ever made: a few years later there was a major furlough, and he was just a few seniority numbers above the furlough line.

I don't know about contractors specifically, but for civil servants, their unions were definitely involved in the furlough negotiations during sequestration.

People outside of HN won't be anywhere near sufficiently eager to earmark sufficient public dollars to properly maintain such networks, not when pensions systems are underfunded and schools are putting teachers on furlough.

Since a major part of the federal budget is its several million employees, I'd also like to see a ticker that shows how the deficit is behaving during the massive furlough ... is it going down?And what about unemployment?

Also don't forget all the lost productivity from all those employees sitting at home instead of doing what they normally do."are furloughed federal employees eligible for unemployment compensation?"Yes.

And are furloughed federal employees eligible for unemployment compensation?I'm not going to pick sides in the current battle, but I do think the federal government is far too big, and that we really don't get enough for the money we put into it.

Furlough definitions


a temporary leave of absence from military duty


dismiss, usually for economic reasons; "She was laid off together with hundreds of other workers when the company downsized"


grant a leave to; "The prisoner was furloughed for the weekend to visit her children"