Fruition in a sentence as a noun

Im not trying to make a ton of money on this but I would like to see it come to fruition, he said.

Only those willing to make bold claims are capable of taking such bold claims to fruition.

It's great to see those initiatives coming to fruition.

Additional legal challenges took ten more years to come to fruition.

Let's go find some problems!Can't wait until craigslist is full of requests for bringing a dream device to fruition...

Not everyone wants to work in a start up and dedicate 12 hours of their days to a company that may never come to fruition.

They seem to speed up time 100-1000x in that regard: months or years of psychological change, growth or decay, and karmic fruition in a few hours.

Whether or not it comes to full fruition is unknown but the industry is certainly developing.

I'm on the verge of making a record of every one I see, just so I can send them all a "nyah nyah" when one of these projects comes to fruition.

Did you just think up the idea, yet want an equal split of the company with the "smart nerd" who will actually bring the idea into fruition?

Institutions of higher learning have a responsibility to go beyond imagining change and instead bring workable answers to fruition.

The only reason that program came to even the bastardized fruition it did was because the Air Force signed on, and they did so only because they needed a means of servicing and maintaining their orbital equipment.

The real problem is a mismatch of supply and demand: there are lots of ideas out there, and not enough developer hours to bring them all to fruition, so a guy with an idea will need to offer more than just the idea if he wants to attract developer time.

Me personally, it's gambling, pornography, sulking alone, facebooking acquaintances to see how they're doing better than me or worse, checking sports score and living vicariously through the lives of professional athletes on and off the field, checking TechCrunch/Hack News and doing the same with tech billionaires, making up lists and goals alone or with other people that will never come to fruition due to excessive wishful thinking and ambition to overcompensate but fun to preoccupy my mind for the time being.

Fruition definitions


the condition of bearing fruit


enjoyment derived from use or possession


something that is made real or concrete; "the victory was the realization of a whole year's work"

See also: realization realisation