Froth in a sentence as a noun

Lots of froth, lots of buzz, lots of hype.

Imho there's a lot of froth in the market.

The community is starting to froth a bit at the mouth judging by the comments too.

Wait for the froth to settle down and then dig it up again and pass it with virtually no contest later.

He means that people have to wade through a seething froth of semi-coagulated blood, hair, and brains while on their morning commute.

Plus working through an agency, I never run out of work because it's their job to find work for me. I usually go back and froth between agency and direct work.

Nothing labeled -gate since Watergate has amounted to anything other than media froth.

But, in this case, the sheer density and froth of the criticisms and psychoanalysis and everything else is just really breathtaking.

Froth in a sentence as a verb

Just curious, because I agree Delicious has changed for the worse, but don't like the vitriol and froth in this post, especially if it's wrong.

But when you see billion-plus dollar VC funds and a dozen me-too venture backed companies in the mobile photo-sharing space alone, well, it doesn't take an expert to see the froth in the water.

If you want to come across as anything other than a froth-mouthed crackpot hurling ad-hominems at a respected economist, you need to offer up some actual data.

You can always make the picture look more risky, frenetic, and unsustainable than it is if you focus on the movements of the fashionable froth that forms on the top of the industry ocean.

Sure, this service is shallow, and absolutely disrespectful of privacy, etc...But the amount of faux outrage you're all whipping yourselves into a froth over is really over the top.

Too often real innovation is lost behind froth and grandstanding like this - too many excitable nerds and shiny toys, not enough introspection on the effects of technology on society.

!Einstein: physics-trained, in Switzerland, married a physics classmate, learned electromagnetism from his father and uncle who were in the power generation business, taught physics, worked in the patent office, certainly a good place to be exposed to the froth of new ideas.

Froth definitions


a mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid; "the beer had a thick head of foam"

See also: foam


become bubbly or frothy or foaming; "The boiling soup was frothing"; "The river was foaming"; "Sparkling water"

See also: foam fizz effervesce sparkle


make froth or foam and become bubbly; "The river foamed"

See also: spume suds


exude or expel foam; "the angry man was frothing at the mouth"