Fizz in a sentence as a noun

I guess it is the "fizz buzz" of SQL these days .

Ask some smart business analysts and see how many of them can solve fizz-buzz.

You will not be explaining fizz buzz to a potential employer.

The whole text could have been, "It makes sense to hire people with no programming experience who can solve fizz-buzz.

Fizz in a sentence as a verb

He demonstrated this by implementing the fizz-buzz program in nothing but procs.

The capability to complete fizz buzz is necessary but not sufficient.

Likewise if by "think analytically" you mean "is able to solve fizz-buzz," then of course companies want programmers who can "think analytically.

Fizz definitions


an effervescent beverage (usually alcoholic)


become bubbly or frothy or foaming; "The boiling soup was frothing"; "The river was foaming"; "Sparkling water"

See also: foam froth effervesce sparkle