Freelancer in a sentence as a noun

I am a freelancer, I have no sick pay, no payment protection etc.

I've had people in the valley scam me out of work, just like every freelancer out there.

You don't have to be embarassed, they weren't that good a friend!Avoid freelancer sites for the most part.

People who post work to freelancer sites are often looking for value, not quality.

For a freelancer you don't want to tip the scales into lawyer-worthy disputes...

You can't convince an hourly freelancer to "buckle down" and work 60-80 hour weeks for months on end without paid overtime.

Hiya, freelancer on HN: to a first approximation, you don't charge enough.

A younger, stupider me would have suggested writing for one of the freelancer sites.

It's possible that you still start out as a freelancer by going this route, but deal with enough people and you will eventually get job offers.

In the future, you should stop using freelancer sites, because the customers on them are substantially worse than you'd get otherwise.

Economically speaking, I'm fairly certain finding a wife is more expensive than a $8/hr freelancer though.

Cash flow issues happen frequently and consumer credit is often the cheapest remedy for solo freelancers.

I'm much more sociable, have a great eye for design having moonlighted as a freelancer some years back, and will now know how to engage my lecturers on an adult level rather than the kid I was 6 years ago.

His work as a "freelancer professor" showed how much he cared about children learning programming as an enjoyable activity, not as a way to increase the supply of professional programmers.

Freelancer definitions


a writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them

See also: freelance free-lance independent