Freelance in a sentence as a noun

In that workspace I have many projects, each for each freelance gig I land.

You don't have to be embarassed, they weren't that good a friend!Avoid freelancer sites for the most part.

People who post work to freelancer sites are often looking for value, not quality.

I am a freelance developer who has been able to carve out a living with a lot of hard work and a lot of luck.

"Most clients are great, but few think through the economics of freelance software development.

Freelance in a sentence as a verb

I think HN gives off the impression that most people own company or freelance due to the content, but it is a bit of a filter effect.

It's possible that you still start out as a freelancer by going this route, but deal with enough people and you will eventually get job offers.

I spent the next two years pottering about, trying my hand at a few different freelance initiatives, none of which really stuck.

If you're a freelance web developer, learning graphic design will allow you to build higher quality products and charge much much more.

Doesn't anyone realize they just wrote that article and disabled ie9 to attract hipster freelance designers and developers?

Freelance in a sentence as an adjective

I would imagine that a fairly large percentage of the Hacker News community probably works for themselves or as freelance contractors.

I don't understand this use case:These projects are mainly side projects, or small freelance jobs I've done through the years, and I want to save them for posterity; who knows when I'll need them, right?My solution to this problem is called tar.

Upon leaving jail I learned programming, worked freelance to pay for my tuition while I got a degree, got a PhD, and am now working towards spending my life using my skills as efficiently as I can to improve the lives of as many people as possible.

Freelance definitions


a writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them

See also: freelancer free-lance independent


work independently and on temporary contracts rather than for a long-term employer


working for yourself

See also: free-lance self-employed


serving for wages in a foreign army; "mercenary killers"