Frailness in a sentence as a noun

[1]Yes, the "frailness of the world" is to blame.

Losing your career if you are found to lie seems like a good strategy.> Yes, the "frailness of the world" is to blame.

Journalism is, like everything else, to borrow a word from Heinrich von Kleist, subject to the "frailness of the world".

Blaming a single individual and the "frailness of the world" is not a step in the right direction to prevent this from happening in the future.

Most IT shops are semi-dysfunctional because the usual frailness of human nature wins out over rationality the majority of the time.

Frailness definitions


the state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age)

See also: infirmity frailty debility feebleness valetudinarianism