Feebleness in a sentence as a noun

There are all sorts of mild symptoms: feebleness, shortness of breath, some people have fevers, some don't.

That person was asked to act against their own interest and did it out of feebleness.

Ok I've always wondered if maybe our old-age feebleness was adaptive!

Things like self-sacrificial and feebleness definitely seem like flaws to me at least.

And as you point out Sedol's brain can of course do a lot more than just play Go. So, my feeling of feebleness on behalf of humanity was thoroughly unfounded!

Actually, it's the non-feebleness that's annoying about Metro.

On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will.

We will get nowhere assuming universal incompetence and feebleness, certainly not competence and strength with such expectations holding us back.

First, in the 90s the economy was devastated by the governmental mismanagement, pervasive corruption, and general feebleness of the state.

Umm, a common practice in the US in the 1930s at state fairs was to take IQ tests in order to become informed about your "feebleness" so as to aid you in your decision and fitness for marriage and procreation.

So weak have they become that, for example, the tribe, which was the strongest and most dreadful in the Middle Ages, the Bulgarians, now known in Turkey only for their gentleness and feebleness, and putting their fame in it, dobre chrisztian, good Christian call!

Feebleness definitions


the state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age)

See also: infirmity frailty debility frailness valetudinarianism


the quality of lacking intensity or substance; "a shrill yet sweet tenuity of voice"- Nathaniel Hawthorne

See also: tenuity