Footpath in a sentence as a noun

In Japan, where many people cycle, they ride on the footpath.

But, when on a sidewalk or footpath people will keep to the right.

The transition from road to footpath wasn't marked on Google maps, which showed the whole thing as a thru road.

But if the underlying rage is still there, you'll find yourself with road rage, footpath rage, the list will go on.

I got stopped for cycling the wrong way on the cycling path, a sectioned-off part of the footpath.

Motorcycles are a good bet in Melbourne, as footpath parking is legal in most places.

That's not a joke, if I want to get rid of a piece of old furniture on the footpath I'll always put a $5 sign on it.

In Osaka / Tokyo / other large Japanese cities people ride bikes on the footpath instead of the road.

Here in Gandhinagar, Bangalore you can buy pirated CD's like peanuts on the footpath.

In a country where pirated CD's are available on the footpath for the price of peanuts, Piracy isn't going to be that easy to solve.

My local school doesn't allow < 11 year olds to walk to school by themselves, they have to be escorted right into the school gate, which is off the main road and down a 150m footpath.

I don't find it in any way surprising that this has happened any more than I would find it surprising that if you put a big hole in a footpath that someone would fall into it.

Sometimes—in areas with many editors—OpenStreetMaps is better in this regard, especially if you want to find footpaths or stairs, which Google Maps often omits.

If you've ever been on the footpath, turned casually to cross the road only for a cyclist to rush past you out of nowhere it's really frightening like someone jumping out and yelling "boo".

A few weeks ago I was using a Google Maps map to navigate in Crete, and the "road" I thought I would be taking dead-ended and turned into a footpath with a gate, resulting in an inconvenient 5-point turn and detour.

Footpath definitions


a trodden path

See also: pathway