Fogged in a sentence as an adjective

Same reason why lots of people are complaining about fogged glasses.

Glasses don’t get as fogged if you have a surgical mask with a metal wire for the nose clamp.

I can't tell you exactly what must happen, but I'v had fogged windows in the morning.

For most products, clarity becomes fogged up with doubt and lack of ambition.

He was also complaining just before that that his visor was fogged over.

They just glued a heating film on the back of the mirror, and my mirror is not fogged after showering.

If you're as fogged out as you seem to be, then the hours you're spending at work are pretty much completely unproductive.

That, or the fogged up visor and inability to read altitude meters

The answer is that some damage occurs, but films are fogged only by extreme conditions such as those that STS-31 got hit by.

Nothing can beat whiteboarding on shower glass properly fogged up after 30 mins in the shower.

The demo seems to have implementing a LODing system, and then fogged the draw distance anyhow ... which is odd.

We both absolutely love SF, but we couldn't find a place to rent for a reasonable price with 2 bedrooms and an outdoor space that wasn't perpetually fogged in for what we pay now.

I'm not saying that Felix didn't intentionally deploy his chute early to preserve that last record but here are a few points to consider:Right before Felix deployed his chute he complained that he had poor visibility because his visor had fogged up.

Fogged definitions


obscured by fog; "he could barely see through the fogged window"

See also: foggy