Strudel in a sentence as a noun

I will incorporate the latest hotness app tech stack, blockchain proof-of-strudel, drone delivery, and baking on-demand.

If you want to try it, the best can be had at the Meierei, just don't forget to reserve a seat a few weeks ahead especially if your lunch aligns with the strudel time, the place is packed to the gills then.

I can't imagine not eating a delicious roasted vegetable strudel with a balsamic vinegar reduction, or potatoes with crème fraîche and chives in puff pastry.

But there are so many more apple apps!apple pie, apple fritters, apple juice, apple cider, apple jacks, apple crisp, apple cake, apple butter, apple muffins, apple brown betty, apple turnovers, apple strudel, apple tart, baked apples, apple sauce, caramel apples, apple dumplings, apple chutney, apple crumble, ...also with KitKat, thanks to fragmentation if you aren't careful you can be stuck with a real mess on your hands.

Strudel definitions


thin sheet of filled dough rolled and baked