Floodgate in a sentence as a noun

IPv6 is going to open a floodgate of innovation.

Hope to hold the floodgate and have people use geographically "appropriate" TLDs?

Calling this an object system opens up a floodgate of related systems that I can compare it against.

What is in reality probably an AI mistake really feels like massive stupidity the twentieth time your mason seals himself on the wrong side of a floodgate.

Compare it to cell phones that increase in complexity until one day they're capable of running Linux, at which point a floodgate of possibilities opens up.

It would be cool if they could use this as a way to interface with their customers but I think that if they opened up that floodgate, it would significantly increase their overhead.

" If you don't, though, you run the risk of people not opening the floodgate of questions they have -- or, worse, you run the risk of assuming that they actually understand and that everything is golden.

Floodgate definitions


something that restrains a flood or outpouring; "suspension of surveillance opened the floodgates to illegal immigrants"


regulator consisting of a valve or gate that controls the rate of water flow through a sluice

See also: sluicegate penstock