Transpire in a sentence as a verb

Desperation is the absolute worst thing you should ever let transpire.

I can just imagine someone reading this a hundred years ago, not knowing all that was to transpire over the coming century.

I admit that it could use some work, however, I wrote in hopes that I could help create some kind of change in the events that are about to transpire before the vote.

When we do that, it's easier to make the simplicity transpire and become an elegant form-follows-function kind of design.

I remember being sent to an interview for a PHP developer, only for it to transpire that the company was actually after a Perl developer.

If you don't host your data in several alternative dimensions so that the same events wouldn't transpire in all of them - why not assume you'll encounter the occasional outage?

Rebuilding civilization from a more modern collapse would almost certainly transpire differently.

I live outside the US and hosting is done in various other countries according to law. I spent about $15k and 5% of the company's equity in legal fees to insure that everything that would transpire here would be fully legal -- that part was a lot harder than coding it, if you want to know the truth, and some day I'll write a book on it or something, but... yeah.

I read a narrative once of someone who was watching World War I brew, describing it as a non-event that would not transpire because he could not imagine people with top hats engaging in the brutish behaviors of their predecessors.

Did they arrive at it independently after have met each other through the YC network, did pg suggest the acquisition, or what?I only ask to slake my mild curiosity at how these sorts of deals typically transpire when the two companies have shared investors.

> it's not wholly unlikely that this kind of virus mutation could transpire organically ...Interestingly that might give some crazy dictator or lone crazy scientist an incentive to perhaps develop and release it in some particular region of the world.

Considering the distortion of time we experience during sleep, where dreams can seem to span decades, or seconds, yet transpire within hours or fractions of an hour, that aspect holds up well with the premise that we reconstruct the context of the dream based on the state we're confronted with when awakening.

Transpire definitions


pass through the tissue or substance or its pores or interstices, as of gas

See also: transpirate


exude water vapor; "plants transpire"


come to light; become known; "It transpired that she had worked as spy in East Germany"


come about, happen, or occur; "Several important events transpired last week"


give off (water) through the skin