Fanatism in a sentence as a noun

It almost pushed my sexp/lisp fanatism away for a while.

I think toxic fanatism make hn a worse place for discussion.

And the fanatism and emotional reaction is much worse

Is just because fanatism or feeling proud of using something? I'm not trying to be jerk, but I never understood that movement.

This is known here because soccer fanatism is common, and some of the "victims" would never changed their team normally.

Social media fanatism or outrage hardly reflects the market as a whole.

But this technological fanatism will hurt us all. .

I guess fanatism is fanatism after all, no matter if it's about hardware companies or religion. We want to believe, lol.

It's hard to find such analysis in A$PL related news - as the fanatism of some users seem to be the reason why they do all that evil.

Insert rant about test-driven-design-fanatism here. At the moment I am cranking negative lines of code count in the project I am working on.

Is fanatism working for RMS? Well, the German Pirate Party regularly top 10% in the polls, which is rather better than you'd expect from a "tiny marginal cult", so one has to conclude that it is working.

I would also add that i haven't see a community with such fanatism towards a language and his creator. So i always avoid to interact with the community.

Once you give up that core grounding you basically invite fanatism and I don’t see what possible positive outcome we can expect from this.

This is common apple fanatism bs. Except for a few very specific workloads and iDevices development, most things can be done on windows or Linux equally well.

At this level of fanatism I'd probably hold back with criticising them, because they might actually stab you if their lunacy bubble pops.

I think unless they stop sending soldiers and start sending teachers and administrators , there is no hope of freedom from religious fanatism .

I believe that he truly wants to save Earth and humanity, and that his ultimate motives are altruistic to the point of fanatism. Tim's article doesn't deal with the way he treats subordinates or his other character flaws, although I'm not sure whether the article would have been the right place for this criticism.

Religious fanatism is on the rise, earlier taboos like horse-trading of elected members is completely normal and is popularised as a master-stroke by the media.

Poverty, education, leading wars, prison system, death sentences, amount of guns per capita, killing and abduction of foreign civilians, torture of prisoners, broken democratic system, religious fanatism. No other country fails in so many ways so high, not even your beloved rogue states.

In design and development, most processes are about sequences of diversion and conversion, and not being able to diverge, or only through violence, seems to be a major flaw of real political systems, there's a toxic fanatism about conversion and unity at all cost, which seems contrary to human evolution. The last major diversion happened with the creation of the US, where a part that had different ideals split from its european core.

Fanatism definitions


excessive intolerance of opposing views

See also: fanaticism zealotry