Fallacious in a sentence as an adjective

That our capitalist system is fallacious, can be gamed and is being gamed by these people.

The whole idea of "look at these people with 15,000 Foursquare checkins complain that the NSA is watching them" is fallacious.

A slippery ***** is fallacious if there's no argument for the the progression down the *****.

It's fallacious to assume that there are no inborn differences between men and women.

It seems rather fallacious to suggest that anything legal is moral when it comes to business.

It's all about FUD, discrediting, and censorship on fallacious grounds.

Comments like "I'm pretty sure the author reached an entirely fallacious and baseless conclusion"?

I'm pretty sure the author reached an entirely fallacious and baseless conclusion.

You're just making a fallacious appeal by putting the scary capital-B "Big" in front of a random noun and acting like that's supposed to mean something.

Noting your statements that this is just everyday conversational usage, I stand by my objection to that fallacious manner of speaking.

Another fallacious line of reasoning is that we can destroy terrorism by military action alone.

If by "if-by-whiskey" you mean the fallacious, ****-flopping, cowardly practice of pandering, then certainly I am against it. But, if when you say "if-by-whiskey" you mean the circumspect, open-minded, responsive practice of consideration, then I am certainly for it. This is my stand.

But even at that, the fallacious teleological language he uses about biological evolution by natural selection suggests a way out of this problem.

To use your words, may I suggest you do not couch your arguments in terms of fallacious claims about freedom of speech?I don't think commentators who decried Yale's hypocrisy were claiming that Yale violated the first amendment rights of the students.

Fallacious definitions


containing or based on a fallacy; "fallacious reasoning"; "an unsound argument"

See also: unsound


intended to deceive; "deceitful advertising"; "fallacious testimony"; "smooth, shining, and deceitful as thin ice" - S.T.Coleridge; "a fraudulent scheme to escape paying taxes"

See also: deceitful fraudulent


based on an incorrect or misleading notion or information; "fallacious hope"