Deceitful in a sentence as an adjective

I think many people are swayed by the big lies -- they can't believe so much is so deceitful.

"Sign up to learn more, Coming Soon, Be the first to know"all alternative CTA's that are less deceitful.

If I know, you know, and JustFab know, then JustFab is without doubt acting in deceitful behavior.

We won't wheel and deal for you with any country who wants to use you iike a pawn to win some other concession or just enjoy sticking it to us. Take him in at your own risk" Nothing new here or deceitful.

It seems to me as though most of Microsoft's advertising lately feels a tad deceitful/disingenuous.

> The Cheney administration was openly deceitful, as it were, a brazen set of liars fronted by an idiot stooge.

"The Cheney administration was openly deceitful, as it were, a brazen set of liars fronted by an idiot stooge.

Of course, the world is so full of these deceitful negotiators that any practical advice must emphasize those techniques.

I consider hellbanning a rude and deceitful tactic that should only be used against users who immaturely refuse to accept a regular ban.

Anyone who uses deceitful propaganda and newspeak to hide the truth is obviously not interested in a serious discussion about piracy and copyright law, but is only looking to demonize their opponents to further their own cause.

Deceitful definitions


intended to deceive; "deceitful advertising"; "fallacious testimony"; "smooth, shining, and deceitful as thin ice" - S.T.Coleridge; "a fraudulent scheme to escape paying taxes"

See also: fallacious fraudulent


marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another; "she was a deceitful scheming little thing"- Israel Zangwill; "a double-dealing double agent"; "a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer"- W.M.Thackeray

See also: ambidextrous double-dealing duplicitous Janus-faced two-faced double-faced double-tongued