Eyelet in a sentence as a noun

The main point of wear was the point where the lace went through the top eyelets.

Double eyelets also get support from second wall of the rim.

The guy who used to cut the leather and put in the shoelace eyelets can now just do eyelets.

You'd think for that money they could have added an eyelet for attaching it to [eg] keyring.

Of course type 1 diabetics with rigorous diets will have less glucose swings, but a stable A1c or daily tests doesn't mean your eyelet cells grew back.

The manufacturer provides that eyelet to prevent damage to suspension parts from using straps on a "bad" spot.

My bricks were in a circular denim sheet, that pulled closed into a bag by tightening a string that was threaded through eyelets along the perimeter.

I ran into that same problem when looking for a drive a couple of months ago. I wanted something fast enough to comfortably run portable apps off of, small enough to fit in my laptop without covering up 4 USB ports, and with something more sturdy than a plastic eyelet which would break in < 1 year.

Eyelet definitions


a small hole (usually round and finished around the edges) in cloth or leather for the passage of a cord or hook or bar

See also: eyehole


fastener consisting of a metal ring for lining a small hole to permit the attachment of cords or lines

See also: cringle loop grommet grummet