Exultation in a sentence as a noun

I read and code strange things in sleep, and awake with a kind of exultation instead of terror.

For Case, who'd loved for the bodiless exultation of cyberspace, it was the Fall.

What an opportunity for exultation, and good press, wasted.

"joie de vivre: "a French phrase often used in English to express a cheerful enjoyment of life; an exultation of spirit.

I have known scientists to hold a view to the effect of Math > Science > Tech > ...So, yea, you are the "tech" guy, but this is not necessarily an exultation

Death's grip closes, and time is short, tary not along the path but stride through and bask in the righteous exultations levied upon the earnest and forthright!

William gibson said it best, in Neuromancer:For Case, who'd lived for the bodiless exultation of cyberspace, it was the Fall.

"He literally glowed; without a word or a gesture of exultation a new well-being radiated from him and filled the little room.

Everyone exhibits a "cheerful enjoyment of life; an exultation of spirit.

A self-condemning tragedy, not an exultation or condemnation.

His arms hang useless, as if he has to exert every ounce of willpower to raise them when the script calls for mock exultation....As an illustration of how the Apple Watch changed people’s lives, he tells us how the watch helped a man keep to an exercise schedule.

"After the war, some commanders would express regret for allowing superfluous crews to accompany sorties, sometimes squeezing themselves aboard bombers and fighters so as to encourage the ******* pilots and, it seems, join in the exultation of sinking a large enemy vessel.

A machine without soul, men call it, But its soul is the sweat of my comrades, Within it lie the years of our lives, Disappointment, friendship, sadness, joy, The algorithmic exultations, The long nights filled with thankless toil, I hear the echoes of sighs and laughter, And in the darkened offices The terminals shine like stars.

Exultation definitions


a feeling of extreme joy

See also: jubilance jubilancy jubilation


the utterance of sounds expressing great joy

See also: rejoicing jubilation