Extemporize in a sentence as a verb

Soon enough we wound up in his office going over his existing systems while I extemporized some solutions.

Homer’s works are well constructed, but extemporized from, probably, many public performances.

How about "Put our sales process in a flowchart and execute from the flowchart, not from I'm-smart-and-can-extemporize-in-real-time.

If your desire is mastery over the material, a teacher who can predict or extemporize tutorials on the subject as you need them is invaluable.

Pilots are trained, and expected, to execute the documented procedures promptly, and only deviate when the situation demands: extemporize on a check ride, and you are likely to fail.

And I also understand that some particularly selective employers may want someone who can extemporize essay-quality material on the spot.

Do not extemporize a solution to the same problem 100 times: cache it and save extemporization for places where the team's brainsweat actually adds value over "the right answer delivered very efficiently.

Extemporize definitions


manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand; "after the hurricane destroyed our house, we had to improvise for weeks"

See also: improvise


perform without preparation; "he extemporized a speech at the wedding"

See also: improvise improvize ad-lib extemporise