Exhibitor in a sentence as a noun

So some bloggers got mad she mislabeled an exhibitor a "booth babe" and now it is Apple's problem?

Your first idea exists...maybe look at the exhibitor and attendee list of CRE tech intersect...

If you were an attendee and not an exhibitor you could use the free public WiFi that was available.

Why?If you are an exhibitor very soon conferences become these artificial and unreasonable deadlines that almost require you to make announcements.

Press coverage - not metrics, but I've seen an awful lot of stories come out of events, and most importantly an awful lot of journalists meeting exhibitors, from bloggers to mainstream websites or newspapers.

A spokesperson gave us the following statement:Were disappointed the exhibitor took this route, especially at a festival for an industry whose jobs are most at risk if we are not able to curtail stolen content.

The platform offered every exhibitor to trade & distribute information digitally.

Exhibitor definitions


someone who organizes an exhibit for others to see

See also: exhibitioner shower